Forgiveness – Muru: Huka Korio

“to wipe out, forgive, absolve, excuse, pardon, cancel”[1]
Acrylic on canvas 1600 x 600mm
I heard the story about an Amish Community. Someone came into their community and slaughtered several of their children and then killed himself. It hurt hearing this. But the Amish frankly, freely and straight away, forgave the killer and supported the killer’s family and did not blame them. There is much more to this story. But forgiveness is a journey and we decide how long and drawn out it is. Forgiveness is freeing for the forgiver even if the perpetrator is unrepentant.
I have had two friends drown in rivers and it forever changed my and their families lives. Forever. If you are experienced, people can live through this process and move into the calmer, relaxing water. But even that is dependent on the environment at the time. The Amish seemed to have not even touched this section of the water. Now, forgiving is not forgetting. They are different and need to be. To forgive completely does not mean you have to forget. When trauma happens, we have to come to a new normal. The Amish will not forget those that passed away. Remembering is a protection to our new normal.
I wish I could be more like the Amish in this story. I hang on to the hurt. I want to move on to the calmer waters.
[1] (Accessed 24 April 2020)
I created these, like tukutuku, as a reminder of what the ideal situation should be like. Our intentions is one of working towards these ideals and it works best when all are onboard trying to reach these. Our individuality remains important in being unified in this. Being an individual and unified is an important paradox. It requires all of the principles to reach it and to have happy and successful marriages and families:
Pūmau | Faith | Te Piki ā Rongo |
Inoi | Prayer | E tō Mātou Matua Nui te Rangi |
Rīpenetātanga | Repentance | Roimata Toroa |
Muru | Forgiveness | Huka Korio |
Kauanuanu | Respect | Hohou i te Rongo |
Aroha | Love | Ngā Hīhī o te Aroha |
Ngākau Aroha | Compassion | Pūpūharakeke |
Whakamahi | Work | Whakakotahi |
Pārekareka | Wholesome recreational activities | Te Whai Wawewawe a Maui |
Te Whare Tukutuku explanations: